
About Me

Hello and welcome to my little piece of blog land. Pull up a chair kettle is always on (as long as you bring the cake lol) I'm Jacki for those that don't know me (Hello) andthis is me (yes that's what I look like eeekkkk)

I have been married to my wonderful hubster Phil for 17 years now and we have been together for 27 yikes.

we have a daughter Amy oh look this all of us together (that's a rarity)

(why does he look petrified hehehe)

I have been cardmaking now for nearly 10 years (wow) after an accident at work left me unable to do things that to everyone else is normal. From having a conversation with more than one person, Shopping, going out, as I have nerve damage to my inner ears which causes terrible pain and also noise sensitivity. So I find being in day to day situations very painful  I ended up being and still am very cut off but on here I feel just like everyone else.I have been blogging since 2010 and this is my 3rd blog (what can I say I like a change every now and then)hopefully this will be my last.

I have suffered from depression nearly all my life from a very early age so if people think being on depression tablets and seeing shrinks from 11 onwards is a great childlife then mine rocked!!!!We all know who was the cause of the depression back then and still is a problem now.
It's Amazing how rosey something looks when you only see one side of  it.
I went to a special boarding school from the age of 12 til I left at 15 and to be honest I loved it.
I was lucky enough to have a repreave from depression for a good few years after leaving home(I wonder why) until all this happened with my ears then it came back, last year was a very bad year for me especially but, I have slowly with the help of my family and a great therapist started to crawl up from the deep depths of darkness I have a long way to go but I'm getting there taking a day at a time.
So having these 2 demons to keep at bay I need something to do and after flitting for one thing to another including cross stitch I found card making, brought a couple of magazines and I was hooked, I then got myself a copy of my craft studio and that was when my cards started to become part of me if that makes sense. I was using Amy's computer when she was either at school or out (not allowed when she was in) then my lovely Daddy in Law got me a second hand computer all for me so it had to go in the kitchen as there was no where else for it to go. My crafting was at this stage being done on a little table (about the size of a bed size table) that I had to keep getting out and putting back every time I wanted to make cards and it was a nightmare I kept saying I wanted it all together in one room but Phil kept telling me no we didn't have enough space (hah what does he know). Well I then started up a blog (can you belive this is my 3rd well why not)and I saved up my birthday and Christmas money to get me a new PC. As I am unable to work I craft on a very low budget and have found so many freebies that my digital craft stock is pretty impressive and has hardly cost anything (main cost being images) I treat myself to my bigger crafty fixes at birthday and christmas's and that is how I get by.

During the last 18 months I did fall out of love with card making but I know that was because of my frame of mind too I pulled out of all DT's I was part of and even gave the Reigns of the challenge blog I created over to the DT and dropped out of that too.
 Slowly my creative mojo is returning and my lovely hubby got me a new desk and work table (to go in the kitchen see I always get my own way)and that is how this blog was born. You can find my craft station here  here not as extravigant as some but its spot on for me.

So I hope you enjoy your stay with me I hope we have a good fre laughs along the way and maybe a card or 2

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